b'A significant portion of our charitable budget goes towards our ongoing multi-CHARITABLE DONATIONSyear contributions, which are in areas where we feel we can make a meaningful difference in our communities. These include Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT), Remai Modern, Saskatchewan Roughriders, and STARS Jim Pattison Childrens Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan. Other noteworthy contributions this year include SREDAs SOAR kihiw paskykwin Indigenous Entrepreneurship Competition, Saskatoon Zoo Foundation, Pacific Salmon Foundation and STARS Air Ambulance. We continue to support smaller local initiatives and welcome inquiries and requests for support, aswe apply assistance and funds where we see that the PIC Group can provide the most benefit. In a world where the needs are so great, we have difficulty in choosing who we could and should support. Many credible, reputable organizations would benefit from our assistance therefore we must discern where our support for those in need is best allocated.30 PIC GROUP 2023 ANNUAL PROFILE'