b'2023 sales$53,191,550total assets $49,063,212CanGasWell gladly take itgetting there while having torn things down in order to put them back together, better.We recruited great talent to Propane join our team - including a new leader arriving early in FY2024, and are in the midst of a much-needed fleet and asset renewal.While we are not done yet, we are beginning to show signs of the positioning Achievement of a lifetime milestone is often a time of reflection needed for a return to growthespecially organically - as we focus renewed commitment to self-improvementand dedicationon sales.challenge for market share in new geographies.and to better days ahead.So it was for CanGas, with our 5th birthdayconsider opportunities adjacent to propane, in energy distribution arriving this year in May of 2023. more broadly.As we reflected on our past, we realized that despite some success. As we enter a new chapter in 2024, we find gratitude in the we had much work to do in order to sustain that path - to become aexperience behind us on the path weve travelled; but look forward fine, well-run business in the mold of our PIC Op-Co peers.We alsoto a bright future on the road ahead.recognized that we needed more of the PIC way in CanGas.So - we did what we knew:we changed our approach, rolled up our sleeves, and got to work.Our timing was opportune.With the annual winter busy season subsiding, our team hunkered down in a spring and summer off- TERRIS CHORNEYseason for the ages.We tore into every part of our business and worked together to improve what we were doing and how we were doing it.We continued to live our mantrasvalues such as invest, dont trade; do what you said you were going to do; and hold each other accountable.Our entire team stepped up - and despite some emerging headwinds, we made tremendous progress.And, when the score was counted, overall we ended up with a virtually identical performance year-over-year. Fun Fact:225,023 CUSTOMER PAYMENTS PROCESSED19 NEW ROLES FILLED IN FISCAL 202320 PIC GROUP 2023 ANNUAL PROFILE'