b'2023 sales$35,297,980 total assets $25,661,582KreosAviation Inc. safe movement of all aircraft types now and into the future and implemented hangar and ramp placement software to optimize limited space. Long-term hangar leases provided a predictable 2023 wasin many ways - a transformative chapter in Kreos history.revenue stream and allowed us to re-invest to maintain the value of Efficiency, adaptability, developing people and upgrading systemsour buildings. and equipment were key themes which contributed to significantlyLancaster was able to equal record performance from last year on improved profitability on revenues, a fleet, and headcount that700,000 liters less volume with the addition of a new power unit remained constant.Our values took root, became visible and led theand a focus on margin, delivery reliability and route optimization. way for improved performance.On airport fuel volumes were up 16%, however Air Canada route The sale of a Citation XL and the addition of a Challenger 300 to ouroptimization resulted in commercial volumes 4M liters lower than fleet and growing airtime demand from owners reduced charteranticipated. capacity and created tension in the market. These transactionsLastly, we invested in our future by replacing legacy accounting allowed us to deepen our internal brokerage capability. We evolvedand flight scheduling systems with NetSuite and FL3xx, and adding our sub-charter sourcing process to preserve a charter base thata new controller focused on the enhanced internal and owner allows existing and new owners to offset the cost of ownership. Wereporting we need to scale.focused on qualifying new aircraft leads in our funnel and identifyingA focus on leadership development, training, hiring and retaining the stages that lead to ownership to progress our pivot to a managedpeople who are truly invested in the Kreos values and committed to aircraft company. deliver unforgettable aviation experiences is at the heart of Kreos CAM adapted to fleet type changes requiring more work to be donesuccess. We got better at everything we do this year and are focused at service centers, balancing fleet and third-party maintenance andon getting even better.a growing need for maintenance coordination. They hosted an in-house King Air engine training program and focused on billable hours to improve profitability. FBO activity levels in both cities were up by over 10%, with Regina aircraft movements approaching 70% of Saskatoon movements.KAREN LLOYDWe separated the ramp and grooming functions in Saskatoon and created a dedicated facilities and equipment role. We took snow clearing into our own hands with the addition of a front-end loader. We added a heavy-duty tug and towbars to ensure the Fun Fact:788,489 NAUTICAL MILES FLOWN4,180 FBO DEPARTURES22 PIC GROUP 2023 ANNUAL PROFILE'