b'2023 sales$10,749,610 total assets $66,064,018agricultural land. We aim to leverage this asset to support research Round Tableand product development opportunities.Our tenant-centric approach remains central to our mission. We aim Managementto collaborate closely with our existing tenants to address challenges posed by interest rate fluctuations and inflation. We are also making Ltd. substantial investments in technological advancements, including an overhaul of our accounting system and the introduction of an advanced property management system with a tenant portal. These upgrades will enhance operational efficiency and elevate the overall Over the past year, Round Table Management achieved significanttenant experience.milestones that have enhanced our presence and value in the realWe extend our appreciation and continued support to our sister estate market. One accomplishment worth highlighting is thecompanies, whose collaboration has been integral to our collective successful ten-year extension of our long-standing partnership withsuccess. In addition, I am profoundly thankful for the dedication the anchor tenant at our 220 Wall Street property in Saskatoon,and hard work of our exceptional team, including Justin McGhee, despite the challenges of the competitive office market.Yuri Yuel, Megan Foster, David Calyniuk and Craig Bell. Without their Another key achievement was our expansion into Regina, where wecontributions, these achievements would not have been possible.acquired a new warehouse facility to cater to the growing demandsWe have a range of promising opportunities in the queue and are of ClearTech Industries. Furthermore, our successful completion oflooking forwarding to an exciting year ahead and beyond. We are an exterior renovation project for our newest warehouse in Calgarywell-positioned for further growth and innovation in the dynamic has significantly enhanced the assets quality and aesthetic appeal,real estate landscape, capitalizing on our strengths in relationships, leading to a notable increase in the propertys overall value. proactive maintenance, and strategic expansion for ongoing success.Our emphasis on cultivating strong relationships with contractors and consultants has proven invaluable. These partnerships have not only streamlined our operations but also reduced costs and improved project efficiency. Additionally, we implemented a proactive maintenance program, ensuring the longevity of our assets and theLEAH HIENTZsafety and comfort of our tenants.We are actively exploring strategies to grow and optimize our land holdings in Saskatoon and Edmonton, including build-to-suit options and other development plays. Moreover, we are reassessing ourFun Fact: approach to our Prairie Research Center in Saskatoon, a resource-36 LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT WESTERN CANADA rich property with extensive multi-purpose buildings and acres of RTM TEAM HAS GROWN BY 60%26 PIC GROUP 2023 ANNUAL PROFILE'