b'PRESIDENTS MESSAGE|GREG YUELResilience and Team SpiritForming, Storming, Norming, Performing;Destinations continue Forming as theIn honour of the enormous contribution -Tuckmans Stages of Development. Aemerging leaders get in their groove. BothCara makes and our gratitude for the few years ago I described how we had aremain excellent in their service deliveryresponsibility Cara takes for the health few companies at the front-end of thatand time & experience is all they need goingof our culture and our people it was with evolutionary cycle and that they were goingforward. great delight that we formally added her to gather themselves over the next fewThe teamwork in each Operating Companyto the PIC Group senior leadership team years in order to get themselves toward thewith the help of their sister companies wascompleting our SixPAC of portfolio back end of that evolutionary cycle. Well, wepossible because of our investments inmanagement services to each Operating did, and they did. people and process described in last yearsCompany and every minority equity We did it by working together in manyprofile. The strategic planning described lastinvestment that we are responsible for.groups large and small. And, becauseyear demonstrated its effectiveness as goodAll of my effort at work this year was of our examples especially in ClearTech,people understood the contribution theyspent on initiatives that will hopefully be and certainly within Caron and Panther,were making to the overall outcome.announcements of a few of our Operating we know what excellent performancePIC Investment Group Inc is supposed toCompany leaders in subsequent years. looks like and we know what it takes toconnect the dots between companies andThere was a lot of effort, but that is how achieve it. Kreos was firing on all cylindersbe the anti-red-tape committee and helpit is supposed to go. Together, Cara this entire year and what a thrill that wasdeliver opportunities that take years toPetrovicz, Craig Bell, Hugh MacGowan, for everyone. It joins the ranks of thosecome to fruition so our leaders and theirLaurie Dmytryshyn, Terris Chorney and I try performing at a high level. Kreos and Longteams can focus on their operation. As ato help people who enjoy autonomy and Lake both enjoyed excellent streamliningFamily Office, we own Operating Companiesfollow entrepreneurial instincts to grow of operations and both found wonderfuland place equity investments. We providetheir business and themselves. We work on Controllers to help settle their organizationfinancial services, HR support, M&A search/ opportunities that take a long time to come and push through the Norming stage.execution, identification & closing expertise,to fruition, if they do at all. This leaves our CanGas process of Norming requiredpayroll & benefits, Board governance &Operating Company leaders to focus on the many changes in Management, but ourstrategic planning for our companies.near term. Meanwhile, they know that when bread & butter of exceptional customerOur effort to bring people togetherwe deliver something to them its because service by everyone at the branchesmanifest itself in some of our donationswe care about their company and we think remained constant. So, the result was thatto Wanuskewin, SREDA and SIIT as well asits right for them. Together we grow. senior Management changes providedhosting the best Minority Equity Investment a service to the branches as opposed toSummit and the best PIC Leaders Retreat being disruptive to them. Terris and Caraever. Much of the success of the PIC Leaders took responsibility for this organizationRetreat goes to Laura and her team at ADI in a manner I have seen only a few timesthat hosted us in multiple operations with in my career.Round Table and Adventureadventures second to none. GREG YUELPIC GROUP 2024 ANNUAL PROFILE 5'