b'PRESIDENTS MESSAGE|GREG YUELResilience and Team SpiritPIC Investment Group Inc. is a familywhere all our wood products will nowCanGas, and ClearTech to improve efficiency Office.We own Operating Companies andbe represented.Panthers Pallets, alongand reduce human error.place equity investments as a minoritywith the construction-grade materialsEffectively, PIC Groups ninth Operating partner.We work for our Operatingof City Lumber including crane mats,Company is the collection of 31 equity Companies by providing financial services,wedges, and other custom-cut materialsinvestments which in aggregate every HR support, M&A identification, executionfor the industry, will form a meaningfulyear, pay a dividend, or return on capital, & closing expertise, payroll & benefits,division for Panther, greatly improvingor one sells, and we receive our return Board Governance and strategic planning. their efficiency in Edmonton.The land ison investment.We always place new The PIC Group SixPAC senior leadershipnow part of RTM and provides the site ofinvestments in existing or new companies team consisting of Cara Petrovicz, CraigRTMs next development: a commercialfor returns in future years.Bell, Hugh MacGowan, Laurie Dmytryshyn,industrial offering in the northwest corner Terris Chorney and Iprovide portfolio2024 was a productive year, marked by management services to each Operatingof Edmonton and across the street fromefforts to enhance our operations and Company and every minority equityClearTech Inland Way.ClearTech will benefitdemonstrate resilience.We worked hard investment that we are responsible for. in the future from the rail spur that was partto find efficiencies.We made progress On our best days we are the anti-Redof the land purchased.This opportunitywherever we could, often without dramatic Tape committee. made a great impact on at least threeeffect.We learned a lot and often by of our Operating Companies within oneteaching or coaching.We look forward Our acquisitions closed in November fortransaction.RTM also announced multipleto what the future holds as we prepare Panther & Round Table Management (RTM)real estate transactions in Saskatoonourselves and our teams for the next big and in January for RTM again as well asRiversdale for a future development. leap forward.Long Lake Insurance (LLI).Adding the Lanigan branch to LLI showed how far ourThose Operating Companies remained busy insurance business has come in seven years. for the rest of the fiscal year, focusing onGREG YUELThe integration process was seamless andintegration and finding efficiencies while enjoyable by all accounts, making Laniganupdating their strategic plan for continued our second-largest individual branch. growth.All our Operating Companies An acquisition impacting Panther, RTM,demonstrated resilience against a great and ClearTech brought together variouseconomic slowdown.In their reports, you opportunities, perfectly reflecting thewill hear about organic growth at Caron services our Family Office intends toand CanGas, senior leadership additions provide.We acquired the land andin most companies to enable growth and business of Robert Rosen, whose company,then projects involving robots (Panther) to City Lumber, became part of Panthermake hard work easier and IT projects at LLI, PIC GROUP 2024 ANNUAL PROFILE 5'