b'2024 sales$47,129,818 total assets $52,560,814CanGas PropaneWe do things better when we work together.When sales andOur business was not without challengesincluding a second operations execute work in sync with each other when ouryear in a row with warmer-than-average temperatures across our supporting teams - fleet, administration, IT, accounting and safety -operations which had a meaningful impact on sales. We invested underpin all our workand when our broader community supportsand sunk our teeth into compliance work, refreshed our assets, and and welcomes us (and vice versa). This is operating as One-CanGasgot out in our communities to tell our story. It made us recognize we and drove the behaviors we reinforced and focused on in 2024.need to be more visible in our operating communities and diversify This was a year of relationship-building with our peer Op-Cos,our sales portfolio. This is leading us to focus on applications for within and across our Regions, in our operating communities, andpropane outside traditional heating, and discovering where we can everywhere in-between.This opened sales opportunities andpartner to leverage our strengths. enabled operational learnings across all geographies. We found evenHeading into 2025, we continue to build a formidable forcehaving better ways to consider our work, strengthening and making ourrecently added two new branches and leaning into our strengths of entire company better, smarter and safer.caring, keeping our word, and demonstrating that service matters. CanGas is now only 6 years old, but our people have thousands of years of collective propane experience for us to draw on. We focused on what makes us special and unique in a sector where many of our competitors approach our vital industry as a commodity. We have an unbelievable internal alignment to our passion for our customers, forLAURA LUNTeach other, for our communities and for the core belief that service still matters. With this passion as a base, the CanGas Why was defined together, drawing on our long and collective experience. Fun Facts:1435 NEW CUSTOMERSFIRST YEAR WITH A TOTAL RECORDABLE INJURY FREQUENCY (TRIF) OF 020 PIC GROUP 2024 ANNUAL PROFILE'