b'2024 sales$182,663,268 total assets $164,409,552Caron Transportation Systems USA added Kelly Cordell as Vice CaronPresident and General Manager.He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, and I look forward to the contributions he will bring Transportationto our USA operations.After 34 years of operating out of our original terminal in Edmonton, Systems we have completed some major site improvements to support our current operations.This initiative will allow us to continue to grow in this location as our truck count continues to increase.Ken Johnson Trucking continues to find ways to build a sustainable 2Another year in the books, and I am pleased to say that it was nicefuture in a limited and tough market.With less natural disasters to see our team focus on improving several different areas of ouraffecting operations in the area over the past 12 months, we have organization, instead of focusing on the aftermath of the pandemic. shown marginal improvements over the prior year.2024 was a time for getting back to building stronger relationships, focusing on growing and adapting with our customers needs, andReliance Ventures continues to produce significant growth.The investing in our most important asset, the future leaders of ourtransition of acquiring Carons Grande Prairie facility is now complete organization. There was continued focus on the importance ofand has produced some very positive results.They have been environmental and information technologies as well. successful in growing their revenue and customer base this past year.Caron Transportation Systems has done a deep dive into clean energyCaron Transportation Systems as a whole, was firing on all cylinders technology in all areas of our organization.The main focus has beenover the past year.I am proud of the teamwork that was realized on our trucks, and what their fuel source might be. The option underthroughout the year from our entire group, not just because we had serious consideration this past year has been compressed natural gas. record revenues, but because the teamwork amongst everyone took We are waiting enthusiastically on the availability of these units in thea big step forward and has produced amazing results in all areas of next month or so. our organization. After more than 40 years connected to our organization, Jolette Kooger, Vice President of Human Resources, has moved on to the second stage of her life, and we wish her all the best in her retirement. Leah Mawer was mentored by Jolette for the past two years to ensure a smooth transition after her departure, and we are looking forward to working with Leah in her new role. BRUNO MULLERFun Facts:NUMBER OF KILOMETERS DRIVEN BY OUR DRIVERS THIS YEAR:42,000,000NUMBER OF HOMES WE CAN SUPPLY POWER TO FROM OUR SOLAR PANELS AT THE LEDUC TERMINAL:2516 PIC GROUP 2024 ANNUAL PROFILE'