b'2024 sales$37,521,938 total assets $23,881,482 KreosAviationKreos matured as a company in 2024. Efficiency, process and orgCAM expanded to Regina in March with the addition of an structure evolution, and using data to understand and optimizeapprentice AME to support Regina-based owners and to position us our business were key themes along with a continued focus onto pursue maintenance opportunities in the south.Deepening our developing people and leveraging their strengths. We achieved aChallenger 300 knowledge to support a major inspection was a key 32% increase in EBITDA on a 5.7% increase in revenue. We grew ourfocus.fleet by 25%. Economies of scale kicked in. Net income per employeeElevating the customer experience was the main focus of our FBOs. increased by 70% with the addition of aircraft in both cities.Our FBO customer survey has been instrumental in pinpointing Fleet airtime was 2,165 hours, with a 64:36 owner to charter ratio. Weareas for improvement and recognizing where we excel. We sub-chartered an additional 343 hours from other operators to meetresurfaced the Saskatoon ramp in conjunction with Saskatoon and retain charter demand. Successfully attracting and retainingAirport Authority upgrades which significantly improved safety and exceptional pilots to support fleet growth was key.access to our facilities. The facility and equipment oversight role We optimized the return on space with the addition of a significantadded last year has added significant value and ensured that the hangar lease in Regina and managed aircraft in both cities. Wevalue of our assets is maintained.invested in low profile electric tugs to support more frequentOur accounting team stepped up their gamefor the first time in aircraft movements and efficient hangar stacking. We are at or overKreos history we are handling all of our accounting functions in-capacity in all locations when our fleet and hangar tenants are allhouse. home at once.Fleet growth has allowed for internal progression and is helping us Fuel operations were a significant contributor to results. Saskatoonto retain the right people who are truly invested in the Kreos values on-field deliveries reached 35 million liters, 3 million more than pre- and committed to deliver unforgettable aviation experiences. We are pandemic levels. Lancaster delivered a record 5 million liters off-field.at the tipping point and poised for further growth. The addition of a second driver in June allowed us to meet the peak summer demand resulting from favorable agricultural conditions.KAREN LLOYDFun Facts: 8 MANAGED AIRCRAFT 21 PILOTS40 MILLION LITERS OF FUEL DELIVERED22 PIC GROUP 2024 ANNUAL PROFILE'