b'KREOS AVIATION|KAREN LLOYD Kreos Aviation Inc.Resilience, change and adaptability wereSouthern Saskatchewan. Our brand presenceyear-over-year.Scaling isnt easy. Investment key themes in 2021. Kreos, under Wesand awareness of what Kreos has to offerin people, tools, connectivity, assets, and Ramsay, did what was necessary to reducecontinues to grow, and our new facilityprocesses is required to deliver against the expenditures and weather the storm throughremains full.personalized customer experience and brand a continued downturn in aviation. WesMaintenance transitioned the fleet frompromise that differentiates Kreos. retired in April after 10 years at the helm.limited airtime to daily flights while facedI am honored to have the chance to play a He built a world-class vertically integratedwith significant supply chain disruptions.part in the Kreos journey, and grateful for the executive aviation offering in Saskatchewan,CAM completed two Citation XL G5000strong foundation and talent that was built an expanded presence, and a talentedAvionics retrofits and increased awarenessby those before me which have positioned us customer focused team driven to go abovefor Robinson Helicopter parts and service.for the opportunity ahead.and beyond.Renovations were undertaken to optimize Kreos was poised for recovery and growthworkspace and support expansion of custom when I came on-board as COO. Theaircraft interior and upholstery. Changes sentiment towards flying started to shiftwere made to support quality assurance and Kreos pivoted from prolonged reducedand ensure seasoned expertise on the floor,KAREN LLOYDactivity to firing on all cylinders to respondwhich elevated performance.to a sharp uptick in demand as the gapAdaptability is at the forefront of Kreos between the private and commercial flyingsuccess. Our flight operations team3,480 FBO transient visitsexperience was magnified. Airtime tripledimplemented the process changes necessary1,599 hours flownJune thru September, exceeding 200 hoursto exceed Covid-19 directives from monthly for the first time in Kreos history.Transport Canada and health authorities.We laid the foundation in 2021 to increaseAn unwavering commitment to safety is at accessibility and expand the Kreos travelthe forefront of everything we do. The ramp brand to many more people. department and dispatch took on towing Fuel demand rose in Saskatoon as scheduledaircraft and customs forms to allow our service started to rebound. Fuel volumespilots to focus on flight planning. On-site tripled May thru August. The switch totesting options were introduced to assist variable fuel commission started to showour customers and support their safety promise as volumes increased. Lancastermandates. Aviation Fuels diversified their off-airportInvestment in capacity and on-boarding bulk customer base and gained market shareof new and existing team members to by acquiring large volume municipal airportssupport the ramp-up was necessary. Recent to counter a downturn in agriculture. growth led to development opportunities In two short years Kreos Regina has becomeand movement between departments. The the focal point for private aviation inKreos team expanded by 17% to 70 people PIC GROUP 2021 ANNUAL PROFILE 23'