b'PANTHER INDUSTRIES|CLAYTON SCHNEIDERPanther Industries Inc.Canadians are known for being humble.necessary for our survival. We did thisfailed. So, we are going to hold our values This is true, and I feel it is more so withacross the board and were one of the fewclose as we reflect on our experiences, Saskatchewanians. However, I was told wethat could supply, and in turn, our clientsinclude people, and determine an need to not only share our successes, but tocould work. alternative that we all understand and scream them from the roof tops!-RelationshipsPanther has alwaysaccept. I am excited for this next chapter. 18 months into the pandemic and Panthervalued our relationships with our suppliers.We already have Robots doing our has increased jobs, has had ZERO cases ofIt was these relationships that allowedadministrative workwhy not throwCOVID, adapted to the supply shortageus to purchase similar volumes on (andbags too!? disruption across the planet, and reachedin some cases more!) Potash, Calcium the highest sales year in the 45 years ofChloride, Calcium Nitrate, various salts, existence.and lumber to name a few. As this year There are many factors to this success.reminded us repeatedly, it was about who First one being people! The handful ofever has the product.has the business. CLAYTON SCHNEIDERcustomers/suppliers we have are truly ourThe big lesson in this record year was it partners. Working together through thisunveiled what we need to do to sustain pandemic only made us stronger and wesuch numbers in the future. Automation 1 35 million lbs of product were all able to focus truly on what bothbeing one of them. If you remember, wepackaged out of Davidsonparties need to survive. Then of course therehave gone down this road before and83 million nails used is the employees who need to carry out thisbuilding wooden pallets increased demand. Wow, I have said this before in a toolbox meetingthey are my heroes. Myself coming from the shop floor I know what is required to hit the tonnes that are requested.scratch that.I dont. They are hitting double the numbers from my warehouse days. Like I said, they are ALL my heroes! Thank you. We also focused on Panthers Strengths:-Futuristic - We had predicted that supply was going to be tight early on. So, we walked along side our customers listening to their concerns as we showed them our Plan A, B, and C strategies. Realizing each option would cost more we all knew it was PIC GROUP 2021 ANNUAL PROFILE 19'