b'KREOS AVIATIONLONG LAKE INSURANCE Karen Lloyd Scott Frizzell Hangar 16, Box 111 16 Wayne Hicks LaneHoldfast, SK S0G 2H0Saskatoon, SK S7L 6S2 Long Lake Insurance is a full service, independent insurance brokerage Kreos was established in 2008 to fulfill executive standards inthat provides personalized Insurance for home, agro, commercial, auto, Saskatchewan aviation. They provide sales, acquisition, charter andhail, travel / health, financial services, employee benefits, plus offers SGI management of aircraft for personal or business use.Aircraft in the fleetmotor vehicle license issuing services in all locations.In 2021 Long Lake accommodate premier charter and logistics planning for domestic andInsurance added offices in Clavet, St. Louis and Cudworth, growing Long international flights. Kreos owns and operates FBOs in Saskatoon andLake Insurance to 12 physical locations across rural Saskatchewan. PIC Regina with fuel services on and off airport throughout Saskatchewan.Investment Group and Athabasca Basin Development Corp. partnered in They provide maintenance, repair, and interior refurbishment for a2017 to acquire Long Lake Insurance and in 2019, Long Lake Insurance was wide variety of aircraft, from single engine to executive jets. Kreospleased to merge with Strasbourg Agencies and the Long Lake Insurance is recognized across North America for its world class facilities andPartnership was formed. impeccable service.ROUND TABLE ADVENTUREMANAGEMENT LTD.DESTINATIONS INC.Rick Court Laura Hale70 24th Street East70 24th Street East Saskatoon, SK S7K 4B8 Saskatoon, SK S7K 4B8Round Table Management (RTM) is a company thatAdventure Destinations International (ADI) provides marketing, sales and specializes in real estate, property managementsupport services to recreational properties in Northern Saskatchewan on and project management, land development and propertythe Churchill River. ADIs properties include Twin Falls Lodge, Thompsons investment in Western Canada.RTM oversees a portfolio of overResort, Churchill River Trading Post, and Canadian Outposts. Thompsons $120 million of market value assets with a diversification rangingResort is open year-round and hosts a range of cabin options. The Churchill from commercial buildings to retail strip malls. River Trading Post (CRTP) our convenience and gas station, is also located in Missinipe. Twin Falls Lodge is our luxury, fly-in lodge offering guided fishing excursions and daily gourmet meals. ADI strives to meet needs of global adventurers by providing packaged and custom experiences atour properties. PIC GROUP 2021 ANNUAL PROFILE 13'