b'LONG LAKE INSURANCE|SCOTT FRIZZELL Long Lake Insurance2022 has brought back a sense of normalcy again.How weIn 2023 we will be implementing a Broker Management navigated the past 2 years has been a testament of success forSystem change.Making this significant investment will greatly our team at Long Lake Insurance.We continue to make a nameassist our team members with next level work efficiencies for ourselves and have become a recognizable brand throughoutwhich will ultimately filter down to our clients having an even the brokerage industry in Saskatchewan.The number onemore positive client service experience.lesson Covid has taught us is insurance isnt only a productI cannot say enough about the PIC that has to be sold within a physical location and nor should& ABD family and this spectacular848 km Round it be.It takes exceptional customer service to separate usgroup of individuals.I alwaysTrip in between apart from the competition and clients can buy theirmake it a point to say a dailyBranchesinsurance from LLI wherever they are located notthank you of gratitude where we are located.for the support and The Insurance Industry continues to be facedmentorship that I receive with possibly the longest hard market manyfrom everyone at PIC.industry experts have experienced, with markets going off risk and renewals that have seen unprecedented increases of premiums to clients. All mankind is divided into three classes: At the end of 2021 we successfully created ourthose that are immovable, those that are own Commercial Center of Excellence which saw amovable, and those that move.total move of all the commercial policies from our Benjamin Franklinbranches to a remote environment that consists of a team of commercial advisors who solely work with commercial risks.Our commercial team has been very successful navigating through this hard market, and it is very cool when a client says that we have become an extension of their business.There continues to be many mergers and acquisitions of brokerages within Saskatchewan.LLI did not add any newSCOTT FRIZZELLlocations in 2022.As a result of our significant growth in the past three years, during the pandemic, plus the effect of the hard market, we spent our year strengthening our standard operating procedures and focusing on team training. PIC GROUP 2022 ANNUAL PROFILE 25'