b'CANGAS|DARREN TOCHERCanGas Propane2022: a year of growing up, stabilizing, sorting out the pieces,ago. Propane freight cost with fuel surcharges have gone off the and of great growth!We overcame a lot of adversity once againcharts. All these contributing factors resulted in the price to our in 2022. Covid prolonged travel and transportation issues forcustomers increasing substantially over the past year. CanGas most of the year, record high inflation rates, large interest ratecontinues to communicate openly and increases and high supply costs, yet the company produced goodhonestly with our customers and team. results.I remain extremely humbled and proud to be leading thisWe pride ourselves in our work ethic andSince Inceptionorganization! teamwork that has created a positive CanGas set off into 2022 in the direction of maturing andand valued relationship with all ourOver 250,000,000 becoming a much more efficient company. One of ourneighbors.litres sold first focuses was asset identification and utilization;2022 is all wrapped up and in CanGas Teamthis project has really enabled the company tothe books, we are lookinghas grown from re-purpose many assets instead of buying new.forward to what should33 member to 84 We then looked at our team and structured ourbe our best year yet! Wemember organization chart for continued improvement,will continue our path of growth, and success into the future and westabilizing, becoming aOver 10,000 greatly improved our internal and externalmore mature and efficientcustomerscommunications. We continue to look at all ourcompany, and to some systems for ways to improve without losing whatexciting new growth in has made CanGas The Clear Choice for our2023.We will also be customers, being fully local is the core of who wecelebrating our 5-year anniversary May 1, 2023!are. We care, act kindly and help each other. ThisIt is hard to believe so much has been achieved by extends to our customers and our community. Fromthis INCREDIBLE TEAM in a short period of time. The knowing our customers childrens names to throwing our handsnext five years look even more promising!out to help another branchwe live here; we work here; and weAppreciatively,are your neighbors.Commodity pricing and labour issues in many different sectors of the supply chain has had a ripple effect on our business. Steel prices have increased to the point where we are now required to pay 2 to 2.5 times the cost for a single tank compared to 3 yearsDARREN TOCHERPIC GROUP 2022 ANNUAL PROFILE 21'