b'PANTHER INDUSTRIES|CLAYTON SCHNEIDERPanther Industries Inc.My mom would tell me as a child, if youWe started to plan on how we can keepWith all this going on we managed to end ever want to make God laugh, tell him yourmoving forward, then 2020/COVID pokedour Fiscal year in the black and with even plans! That memory started haunting meits nose in again. Lumber mills in themore opportunities going forward. March 13th, 2020. I was in Calgary and theSpring were shut down due to COVID,Bring it 2021.grumbling of COVID-19 had started. California fires mixed with the Alberta fires Panther started the Fiscal year with recordburned up supply, and North America months, on pace for the best year in a 40+were seeing record months for building! history! Q1 & Q2 painted the picture that weResulting in huge demand to no supply. did indeed have most of the O&G marketLumber went from $375 board foot - $800CLAYTON SCHNEIDERshare in Western Canada. We had big plansboard foot. Imagine telling your customer on how to continue this momentum, thentheir pallet is about to increase +50%. mid April oil plunged 321% resulting in WTICOVIDIf you cannot beat it, join thePanther went through dropping to a -$40.32 per barrel! COVIDfight! We made some key partnerships43,840,381 nails this year!brought the world to a stop, or in otherallowing us to sell a product called Auto Oxide (COVID killer) and the application Panther packaged wordsdemand for Oil disappeared.equipment to apply it. Fairly new yet, but110,657,692 lbs through the Panther took advantage of the Federalwe will be selling this disinfectant to theDavidson Facility Programs that were being offered due toend users in the form of back pack, hand COVID allowing us to keep our heads abovehelds, and even micro foggers.water. Not the momentum we planned for in Q3/Q4!However, we are no stranger to rough waters. O&G has been rocky for the last 4 years which has helped groom us for when things get tough. We reacted quickly, accepted the reality, and redirected our focus on the areas that would pull us through these times: pallets.When COVID-19 started making headlines people started buying more stuff! More stuff = more pallets. We focused on this part of the business and were able to increase sales in all locations as well as expand our operation in Delta BC. Literally the opposite of the O&G sector.PIC GROUP 2020 ANNUAL PROFILE 19'