b'CLEARTECH|RANDY BRACEWELLClearTech Industries Inc.ClearTechs story over the past year is onehatches at secure sites.Wherever theylonging for in this pandemic may never of stability through chaos. Everyonewere, they remained committed to doingarrive. The business environment is and reading this message understands theeverything they could to ensure ClearTechwill remain uncertain.But, as quoted challenges presented in 2020; each of uscustomers received their accustomedfrom McKinsey Quarterly: bubbles pop, navigated our way through unprecedentedstandard of quality and value with everydownturns stop.Being mature and well and unexpected adversity.The chaos oftransaction. established with the best quality people is 2020 needs no explanation.The stabilityIt didnt stop at staying safe or simplya clear advantage in challenging times.Our and resilience of ClearTech through it allgetting the job done.Our people leveragedpeople seized the opportunity to fine-tune warrants discussion. their experience to develop tools toprocesses and adopt new ways of serving Our fiscal year started exceptionally well,work faster, more efficiently, and withour customers.In 2020 every single one exceeding monthly metrics posted in adifferent resources.They embraced newof our 138 people kept their job, kept their record-setting 2019.Then, about halfwaytechnologies and challenged current toolsfocus, and kept pulling in unison.As a through the year, we found ourselves onto do more.Process enhancements andteam, we gained an additional 138 years our heels, reacting to global circumstancesan unwavering focus on delivering resultsof valuable experience in an extraordinary well beyond our influence.Our peopleled to double digit efficiency gains andtime.Experience that will continue to and their families became fearful of thea corresponding reduction in errors andcarry us forward in good times and in bad.unknown and started questioning personalrework.As a group they demonstratedClearTech is taming the chaos of today and safety.The decline in economic activitythat focusing on what you can control is ais ready to soar when the current business affected many of our vertical markets. strength. The best people thrive when youdownturn stops.Questions abounded, but we began bytake the long view and trust them to take asking ourselves, What part of this situationon difficult challenges that stretch their is under our control? abilities. We looked first to our people, the sameCollectively we were successful enough to one hundred thirty-eight experienced,stay within sight of our stellar 2019 financialRANDY BRACEWELLsmart, and capable people who helped usperformance.No small feat in the 2020 that successfully navigate previous downturnswas.Economic crises are known to expose and challenges.We were confident thatand exacerbate structural weaknesses in2020 turnover = 0% since the they could control their environments, theirorganizations.Few rise to the challenge. pandemic outbreak in March responses, and their ability to service ourCompanies like ours, those that performed(1.4% for FY2020)well in 2020, those that succeeded this Total years of service = 1387 many essential services customers.Working together, our team found ways to innovateyear without any significant pandemicyears in Novemberuplift or COVID tailwind, are the stars of this Average year of service for and build on their collective experience to create safe, effective methods to remainunprecedented time.employees = 10both healthy and operational. Some workedWhat will 2021 bring?It is hard to predict.(138 employees= 10 years)from home; others battened down theThe collective sense of closure we are all PIC GROUP 2020 ANNUAL PROFILE 15'